Monday, March 29, 2004

NOT what I was expecting!

My friend Jim finally got me a copy of Battle Royale and it was quite the surprise! I was expecting a senseless movie with lots of blood and provocative teen on teen homicide. What I got instead was a movie that was a touching rumination on the stereotyping propagated by adults in regards to younger generations along with some great camera work and shocking character juxtaposition. (By the last I am referring to scenes like the one where the bratty slutty girl acts meek to gain the trust – before suddenly slitting her throat -- of another girl lower on the social ladder who has found a pretty sweet hiding place the bratty girl could use. Or the meek fat boy being the first to lose his marbles and start burying crossbow bolts into the chests of his classmates.)

Yeah, I know that all sounds pompous but I swear the movie was all the above things while simultaneously kicking my ass with some cool action bits.

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