Thursday, December 18, 2008

WOXY is wack!

WOXY is wack!

GalPal: oh god
me: what?
GalPal: woxy number one song of the year
wait for it...
me: is?
me: WHAT?!
GalPal: OH MY GOD!
me: they are high
and drunk
GalPal: are they delusional?
me: and stupid stupid stupid
GalPal: that song is not good not good
i mean even for my morning jacket
me: no, not at all
GalPal: ugh, i about fell out of my chair
me: i actually just deleted that album off tankPOD becasue it sucked so bad.
GalPal: haha
me: (except for aluminum park, i still like that song)
GalPal: you did defend that song
me: it did not age well
GalPal: no , no it did not.
me: yeah
that's it
WOXY has lost all my respect
GalPal: woxy gets a wag of the finger.
me: maybe it's run by
i cant even listen to this song anymore...
back to the bird.
me: the bird
hello bird!
GalPal: hee
ah, much better :)
me: indeed

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