Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Another 2002 Music Poll...in February?

So the Village Voice Pazz and Jop 2002 results are in and there isn't really anything that surprising. Though I don't completely agree with Matthew over at Fluxblog as far as the actual albums included and such I do have to admit I think he's got some good opinions and he's spot on as far as his comments vis a vis the critics they use for this damn thing.

However I'm not completely pleased with the Voice selections and one in particular seems to stand out as a glaring slap in the face. The one thing that has been bugging the fuck out of me is all the attention The Streets album has been getting. I own it and admit I dig it to a certain extent but I'd really like to meet the person doing their publicity since they've launched a mediocre hip-hop act into the sixth circle of music critic paradise. Yeah yeah yeah, I'm sure it's all groundbreaking and such to have a hip-hop infused worldview courtesy of a lower middle-class English bloke with a touch of garage but is it really one of the best albums of the last year? I mean as far as white-boy rhyme spinners go does anyone really believe that Mike Skinner is more talented than Eminem who places lower on this year's list? I mean I'm not a big fan of the Detroit tongue twister but I can respect the fact that his flawless and fast delivery far outstrips anything The Streets did last year.

I mean they even have The Streets ranked above The Roots fer chrissakes! I can attest to the fact that The Roots' album stands up after so many repeated listens in a way that is just indicative of a completely inhuman talent. I mean, Phrenology is pretty much one the most solid hip-hop albums I've heard in ages, yet they rank the fucking Streets above it?

While I'm at it I'm pretty sick of seeing Brooooce popping up on almost every year end list merely becasue he picked a sensitive subject matter in order to help "heal America." I mean what further proof do we need that he is the working class Saint of Asbury Park than the self-less determination he showed hitting every single media outlet that would give him face-time in order to foist his healing pill of a disc onto a nation deeply in need of his help. Fucker.

Okay, maybe I'm a little grumpy -- especially since you can see here that generally I agree with the Village Voice's rankings this year -- but that Streets ranking really set me off. I mean, you may as well say that the garage retreads coming out of Sweden are deserving of inclusion on a 2002 "Best Of" list even though certain albums actually came out over two years ago.

Oh wait a minute...

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