Monday, February 24, 2003

This is what passes for dissent now?

Courtesy of Reuter's comments on the Grammy broadcast:

A few musicians made low-key statements or gestures opposing the U.S. buildup to the possible war on Iraq. The most pointed remarks were made by award presenters, rocker Fred Durst and Raitt.

"I don't know about you but I just really hope we are in agreeance (sic) that this war should go away as soon as possible," Durst said before presenting the Best Hard Rock Performance Grammy to Foo Fighters.

Raitt, who joined (Aretha) Franklin to present the Record of the Year Grammy, said, "Enough about building a mystery, let's build some peace."

Best Female Rock Vocal Performance Grammy winner Sheryl Crow sported a guitar strap with the words "No War" written on it and wore a large, silver peace sign on a necklace as she performed on stage during the show broadcast live by CBS.

So these are the voices in the wilderness? The only ones with enogh balls to give CBS and Dubya the middle finger and risk being called un-patriotic? Man, that's fucking sad. Fred Durst -- while obviously verbally challenged -- is able to overcome his post-Britney trauma long enough to at least attempt to do the right thing? Bonnie Raitt and Sheryl Crow? No one else? That was it?

Republicans and Hawks the world over are laughing their asses off over their decaf Sanka as they get ready to dance on the skulls of anyone who dares question their actions.

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