Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Rarely do I disagree with my rock and/or roll buds, but...

A few words about Local H and rock concerts in general.

First off I dragged my friend Julie to the Local H show here in Chicago last Sunday because I was able to entice her with the wicked pop of The Wrens. She dug them and not much else but for once I don’t really agree with her criticisms of the show. Okay, what I mean is that her criticisms read really funny and cutting but I can't really get down with the meat of what's said and the basis for the fun-making. (I guess what I'm saying is, "Well written as always but generally flawed.)

The opening bands were great, one of them being the aforementioned Wrens and the other being the wicked team of Sullen. Sullen sort of sounds like J Mascis and Courtney Love teaming up only cuter and with better voices and man do they stomp and destroy on stage. Local H themselves were in unusually fine form that night with it caustic rotgut primal screaming. Unfortunately my memory hazes out about halfway through the show because I was having a little too much fun but suffice to say that Local H killed.

Now some folks have problems with the “crossover crowd” phenomenon which usually is comprised of hundreds of jarheads crowding in on your space at a show demanding to hear “that one hit from the radio” and little much else. Yeah that can be pretty annoying especially to a jaded scenester type like me that prefers VIP sections not because I think it makes me look cool but because I really can’t stand feeling crowded at a show anymore. This belief is directly opposite my first dozen live-show years when I wanted to be as close to the action and my fellow man as possible to get the whole “concert experience” but now I prefer to just dig the music for the most part.

Having said all that and admitting that I tolerate the “Johnny-Come-Latelies” as a necessary evil I have to be honest when I say I really don’t remember that many annoying folks at the show Sunday. Sure there were a bunch of frat-boy types and their mates there because of Memorial Day weekend but these are the same folks I’ve seen at Local H shows for years…which would now make them long-time fans. Sure they also wear band T-shirts but have you ever been to an all-ages punk show. Everyone is wearing the fucking band’s T-shirt. That they bought that night. Before the show even started!

All in all a concert is a concert. Occasionally they can be so packed with obnoxious types that it’s impossible to enjoy the music but usually one can always find a cozy place to stand and take in the show. So yeah the “crossover crowd” can be a pain in the ass but those are the folks spending the money to keep your favorite singer on stage and out of a day job. Right?

I'm getting to be such a softie in my old age...

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