Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Sorry about the lack of writing but...

...heck I've been busy!

I'm gearing up for the Pearl Jam show at The United Center here in Chicago tonight. I've discovered one of the perks of having a day job is having access to skybox tickets to shows I wouldn't usually go to. I've seen Pearl Jam a number of times and truly do believe they are one of the best live bands around but I haven't actually bought a ticket for their last couple of tours and I was going to let this one pass. I certainly wouldn't turn down a free ticket though and when that ticket comes along with a privately catered skybox seat I think it's pretty safe to say I consider that a pretty sweet deal. Sa-weeet!

I do have a point to this though and it centers on how much I admire Pearl Jam for trying to operate outside of the recording industry and actually cater to their fans when they can. It is generally known that they have parted ways with their major label since their contract is up and they are searching for a way to do business outside the "machine." What isn't generally known is that they are once again releasing all of their concerts in CD form to fans that order them on-line. A new twist lies within the option to also download unmastered MP3s off the web a few hours after each show. How cool is that?

Basically you can relive your concert experience directly after the concert itself and then a few days later a nice glossy and mastered CD set shows up at your doorstep!

I wish more bands would do this...I'm a live recording junkie and this itches my fix in just the right place.

I'll let y'all know how the actual implementation of this innovative offer goes...I'm excited by the concept but am fully cognizant of the fact that the execution may be riddled with flaws...

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