Friday, August 08, 2003

Pseudo-Bachelorhood Revisited!

Well, Photogal is visiting a spa in Colorado for the weekend (yeah, life sure is rough for her, eh?) so l’il Tankie is free to be a Wildman this weekend! Following is a list of activities I look forward to while my lovely gal pal is out of town getting wrapped in seaweed and riding horses….

1. Fall asleep on the couch after ten too many drinks with the DVD player running old Avengers episodes and a half-eaten taco lying in my lap.

2. Wrestling with Betty the Beagle to get the aluminum foil that used to be around the half-eaten taco out of her mouth.

3. Stay out until 5am without fear of reprisal.

4. Finally listen to all the CDs I’ve bought in the last month at the appropriate ear-blistering volume without having someone come in the room and turn the stereo down to a whisper.

5. Ditto for all the DVDs I’ve bought in the past month.

6. Leave my socks on the family room floor.

7. Hell, leave my underwear on the family room floor!

8. Smoke in the house…okay, maybe not.

9. Leave leftovers in the fridge without worrying about a “mystery mouse” making off with them when I’m not looking.

10. Drink lots of Makers Mark.

11. Live dangerously.

12. Go to Halsted Market Days, see a few bands, drink a lot of beer and do many jello shots with a bunch of drag queens. Wait a minute, Photogal would proably do that with me....

12. End up drunk on the phone with Photogal at 3am mumbling, "I miss yooooouuuu...."

I'm such a dork.

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