Monday, October 13, 2003

Wakey wakey!

5:20am HK time and I just can't sleep anymore, so I figured I'd share a few other cool perks I'm enjoying due to the courtesy of the hotel along with a few random observations. Then I'm showering and going in search of a disposable camera and some Tylenol Sinus. The humidity is about 104% outside but my room is dry as three-year-old Thanksgiving turkey wishbone.

- There is a motherfrickin' television set embedded in the wall above my bathtub.
- I get a fresh bowl of fruit I've never seen before and highly suspect is rarely seen outside an Amazonian rain forest.
- The people who actually work in the Hong Kong office -- who are tremendously nice folks -- told me I look like "an artist or something" and didn't look at all like they thought I would. I guess I come across as pretty professional via e-mail!
- When at a dinner table with lots of folks in Marketing who ask you what you did previous to this job, the least expected answer is, "I booked a rock and roll club." Most common reply? "Well this is a change of pace, innit?"
- Yes, at 6' 2" I feel like a giant when I walk around on the street. Way too tall and gangly.
- Cell phones here make the ones available in The States look like those big green U.S. Army ones connected to back packs that were utilized back in WW II.
- I'm glad I brought a little booklet of CDs as the room does come equipped with a stereo, but does not have any inputs for my iPod. Nothing like waking up to Tomoyasu Hotei's "Battle Without Honor Or Humanity" a.k.a. "That really cool song played in the Kill Bill previews/When Lucy Liu and her posse enter the soon-to-be-demolished restaurant in the Kill Bill movie.
- Speaking of Kill Bill, I thoroughly enjoyed it since I got a chance to see it before I left but did get a bit dizzy tracking all the pop culture and movie references...especially when Tarantino included his own past films as available material that to include in this loving homage of an action/gangster/revenge dramady.

Okay, need shower, a coffee and aspirin.

If anyone has anything they'd like investigated whilst I'm here pop in a comment or toss me an e-mail. Toodles!

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