Friday, April 16, 2004

Foot-in-mouth narrowly averted.

First of all, I was going to go into a rant and then call a certain talent buyer here in Chicago because of the fact that last night’s Figgs show was sorely under-attended and a band I often work with had offered to be on the bill. This talent buyer said cool a call 'em the next day, so I did…and did…and did…and never heard back. This has happened a few times to me with various talent buyers around this area and all I can do is ask myself, “Was I like this when I booked a club?”

The answer is both yes and no. Photogal used to marvel at the fact that I actually listened to every crappy demo that came across my desk and made contact with just about every band that ever sent me a submission. On the other hand, I did from time to time get scatterbrained and forget a date someone was looking for or forget to call someone back. However, folks that called me day in and day out did get a call because their persistence wouldn’t allow that mess of clutter that is my brain to forget them.

So yeah, I was annoyed that there were so few folks at last night’s show when I also knew that had a local band been on the bill the attendance would have easily doubled or tripled. Regardless, The Figgs put on a great show, full of energy and character and judging by their actions their perception was that they were playing to a sold-out club packed full of admiring fans. I was taken a bit off-guard, though, at how heavily their set leaned on new material. I’ve been a fan of the group since the early ‘90s and this was my first time ever seeing them, so I would have like to hear more of what I considered “the hits” but all in all it was a solidly entertaining set.

And I managed to not get falling-down drunk on a Thursday for once! Photogal is so proud, I am sure…

Oh yes, I'm sure you're wondering why I decided not to rant and rage and probably shoot myself in the foot professionally? Let’s just say that the calming influence of my friend Rick provided the salve needed to avert such a tragedy. Thanks Rick.

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