Thursday, April 01, 2004

How rock am I? Pretty fucking rock!

So last night Rudy and I hit the town and caught our friend Skid’s new band, The Ladies and Gentlemen, as they were opening for The National. It was easily the best show I’ve seen Skid put on in a long time and his new merry band of pranksters providing the noise behind his melody are a crack team rock and/or rollers. After his set the second band was less invigorating than the mood called for so we set about looking for a new diversion. And boy did we find it. Across the street at The Double Door. The show of the millennium.

Bob Guiney A.K.A. Bachelor Bob was rocking out with his very own rock band!

Forget the fact that he slaughtered Cheap Trick’s “The Dream Police” while on stage. Forget that he turned in a pedestrian cover of The Cult’s “Fire Woman.” Forget that most of his music was like Toad The Wet Sprocket-lite if you can believe such a thing is possible (and it is.) Forget the fact that the show was opened with the announcement that Bob would be available for photographs after the set. Forget the ridiculous number of roses littering the club.

I forgot and forgive all the above because Bachelor Bob is excellent at one thing: Ladies love Bachelor Bob so his shows are attended almost entirely by women. Hot, single, cute women. Hot, single, cute women ho arte incredibly friendly and absolutely no frat-boy assholes around to spoil their giddy mood.It was awesome!

If I was single I probably would have lost my mind. I have never had so many girls offer to buy me drinks out of the blue before (for the record, I accepted no free drinks) and one guy was smart enough to situate himself in the middle of the room so he was constantly dancing with girls all night long. It was unbelievable.

And that’s not all!

Rudy and I actually wrangled ourselves a picture of us with Bachelor Bob! Holy mackerel, it just doesn’t get any better does it? It’s sure to be our next flyer for our DJ nights at Tenn56 so as soon as that gets slapped together I’ll post the photo over at DoneWaiting.

So thank you, Bachelor Bob, for an unexpectedly enjoyable evening. My only regret was, yet again, missing The National’s set. I booked them at The Pontiac about a year ago and they started early so I only caught their last song and I seem doomed to keep repeating that experience. At least Bachelor Bob took a bit of the sting out.

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