Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I moved!

I moved desks at work. I now have a window seat! I never thought I would find such a thing exciting but as I become more and more acclimated to the nine-to-five thing I’m beginning to realize that sometimes it's the tiniest of things that really have an effect on your "work experience." I guess on the hierarchy of the "office environs" a window seat is one step below having an actual office with a door that closes.

It's kinda cool since I feel like I have my own little world to myself now that I’m not in the flight path of everybody who needs to get from one point to another in the office. I actually held off claiming this spot out of respect to the woman that used to sit here since she was laid off a few weeks ago and I just couldn't really wrap my head around the desk not being hers anymore. Well, when someone junior to me snagged the other window desk in the area I decided the time for reverence was over and the time to start sucking down some sunshine was nigh!

Mmmm! We're making s'mores at work right now and I just had a tasty treat delivered to my desk. Yum!

Anyway I've moved desks and life is peachy. Speaking of moving, I would like to reiterate that when I move out of my apartment next month I AM NOT MOVING TO THE SUBURBS. I am moving to the West Si-yee-de. It is still in Chicago. Apparently when I posted about the move early some folks grew confused and the concerned for my mental well-being. They said, "Tankboy is the LAST guy to EVER move to the suburbs! How can this be?"

Well, it don’t be, so stop worrying. I AM moving out of the 'hood I've lived in for almost the past ten years so I FEEL like I'm moving to an alien land, but that's it.

Man, that was one tasty s'more. Just the way to top off my lunch, but now lunch time is over and I’ve got to get back to work. Toodles

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