Monday, June 14, 2004

A miniature Houdini!

So last Saturday as I returned home from a night of rock and/or roll with Marah (I passed on Juliana, sorry Ms. Hatfield) and a brief stop at Liar’s Club I decided to let the doggies out in the back yard so they could, um, relieve themselves. I went back inside to, um, imitate their actions utilizing indoor plumbing and then went back out to see where the doggies were at.

Betty was grazing on some grass since her stomach’s been upset the last few days but Lucy was nowhere to be found. All the gates were up and closed so I climbed to the third floor porch to get a better vantage point.

No Lucy. She had vanished.

What followed were a flurry of phone calls to a vacationing Photogal, 911 in case a local officer came across a little black dog, and blocks and blocks of walking with betty whistling and calling out ,”Lucy! Luuuuucy!” After about two hours, as the sun came up I collapsed on the couch dejected, depressed and with Photogal mad as hell at me. I couldn’t blame her. Both of us usually let the dogs out, do other things and just keep checking up on them but Lucy had escaped under my watch so I was fully to blame. The only annoying side note is that Photogal wants to blame me coming home drunk at 3am when, in fact, alcohol had nothing to do with Lucy’s escape. I just had to pee and didn’t know she had discovered an exit route.

I was jolted awake at 9am and checked my voice mail since I saw I had a message. Lucy was found! Someone called the number of her tags and she had traveled a great distance away from our pad…a whole half a block! How I missed her as I combed the neighborhood is beyond me but I was the happiest boy in the Ukie Village that morning as Betty the Beagle and I trotted off to usher Lucy back home. She spent the entire day yesterday snoozing on my chest as I rested my frazzled nerves with a good old fashioned DVD marathon with such lofty selections as:

Lost In Translation



28 Days Later


…and another that I can’t remember for the life of me…

I knew I had a doctor’s appointment this morning so I turned in early amidst the comfort of two snuggling puppies. Awwwwww.

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