Monday, July 26, 2004

Bayern München Vs. Manchester United in Chicago, Illinois.

Yup, I went to the game with my brothers and spent most of the time reading the latest New Yorker. I was curious to see these two arch-rivals play – and my brothers are rabid fans of one or the other (middle-bro loves Germany, little-bro loves England) to the extent they go to bars in the middle of the night just to watch their team play live – but must admit to being disappointed that Manchester United saw fit to primarily use unknowns and second or third stingers. The game was a bit of a letdown and Bayern München won through penalty kicks (apparently the idea of a game ending in a 0-0 tie is more than can be stomached by an American audience) and I did get to see the infamous Roy Keane in action so that was kind of cool.

My weekend was rather long and uneventful really. Friday's DJ set was weird but well received...I just had a hard time getting into the groove of the room and the sound system really started to fuck up and kept shorting out near the end of the evening when Rudy and I usually blast out the most hits and get folks dancing. It's hard to build up momentum, though, when the songs keep cutting out for 30-60 seconds at a time. I'd consider giving the place another go since the owners said they're fixing the system this week but I was rather nonplussed about the evening. Luckily a bunch or our friends showed up and whooped it up anyway so there was definitely a party atmosphere to help Rudy and I get over the technical frustrations. Thanks to everyone who showed up!

Saturday kicked off with a party my brothers were throwing out in the suburbs that I unfortunately had to exit earlier than I would have liked in order to see Woolworthy at a street festival and then get home to the doggies. Next time I'm planning things out better so I can stick around the party since it sounds like a great time was had by all. Me? I ended up in bed early Saturday night acting the complete lame-o.

Sunday was the big ol' football match and I already rambled about that. I tied up the day visiting my dad in the hospital (he's been having fluid accumulating in him lungs so they're draining him and will then perform a procedure to seal the lining of his lung's wall to prevent any more fluid from getting in...although they don't know what's actually causing the fluid yet. This has all set back the beginning of the experimental protocol he was supposed to start last week so his frustration level is rising. I can totally understand since he keeps attacking each problem he encounters but seems to be making very little head-way overall.

And now we're on to the work week! It's a short one for me since I leave for Mexico at 6am Thursday morning to visit Photogal so I suppose I better get on into the office and crank out everything I need to get finished before I can vacation with a clear conscience!

A few more plusses to living in the house!

Before I forget I reckoned the following were deserving of a shout-out:
  • There's a Dunkin' Donuts half a block away so it totally smells like donuts when I walk to my car in the morning.
  • There's a washer and dryer in the basement so I can do laundry whenever I want.
  • There's a mother-frickin' dishwasher in the kitchen. Other than the occasional pre-soak and stubborn scrtub, dishes will be a cinch from now on!

So I still hate how far I am from the 'hood – and the fact that it takes me anywhere from 30-90 minutes to get there by bus – but these little things are making up for it more and more...

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