Friday, August 20, 2004

A few quick thoughts about music since time is, as usual tight.

Usually I would put this sort of thing on the DoneWaiting site, but since I don’t really have the time to write extensively about any of this you get another morning of bullet-point stylee writing. Joy!

The new Bjork, Medulla, is actually really pretty. It is largely vocal (though not entirely so, so lay those rumors to rest) and the layers upon layers of Bjork singing over herself is kind of mesmerizing. I dig it. What’s more, I think I'm going to try and sneak it in on Photogal, who HATES Bjork, since I think she might actually enjoy it. Hell, even my mom might dig it.

While I'm on the subject of women, I have to fall in line with the buzz and admit the new Rilo Kiley album More Adventurous is quite possibly one of the best discs of the year. I did have a "which one is Pink" moment when I was looking for the disc at a local record store under "R" for Riley and then found it under "K" for Kiley. Funny. I also predict that, based on the success of The Postal Service, that this disc will sell quite well. Isn't it funny how a side-project can help kick-start the careers of the members' main bands previously stuck in the comfortable mid-selling strata of the well-respected, respectably selling Indie world?

I am also digging The Mo based on the track Fluxblog posted a few days ago. I searched out the rest of the disc, Night At The Zoo based on the stand-out "Nostalgia Locomotive" but the rest of the album is filled with a kitschy sort of pop rarely heard around the states anymore. Catchy, well-produced, burnished licks in no way stifled by the antiseptic environment usually associated with "pop" on these shores. I could go into a long rambling discourse on how Green day is just as pop as Britney Spears who is just as pop as The Strokes who are just as pop as Robbie Williams who is just as pop as Duran Duran...but I will spare you.

I guess I've just gotten so used to NOFX that I didn't even notice they released a new disc titled The War On Errorism. I've got to give the band props for getting in touch with the Political Punk™ side, but jeez...couldn't they have paired the angry lyrics with better tunes? Other than the synth-laden (apparently the synth is the new Theremin, again) "Franco Un American" the tunes kind of blend together in a generic pop-punk sludge. Oh well, I suppose if it gets a few kids to pay attention to the newspaper vagain then that's cool...

Finally, I had been told that the new Tommy Stinson, Village Gorilla Head, was a mellow disc. It's a good thing I can't remember who told me that otherwise I'd be trackin' 'em down to sucker-punch 'em for being a damn liar! It does have a few reflective tracks but overall it’s a pretty rocking effort. He's playing here at The Double Door Tuesday September 7 and I’m glad he’s doing two sets so that Rudy and I can switch each back and forth while DJing and each run down to catch a bit of his show.

In other news, Photogal's sister gets married tomorrow so don't expect any updates this weekend as I make it my mission to drag the wedding party to the dirty old Polish bar beloved by both the groom and myself after the wedding and reception are wrapped up.

Zubrowka and Apple Juice for everyone!

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