Thursday, August 26, 2004

I'm mortified.

I just remembered that I was totally rockin' out the air guitar Tuesday during my DJ set when I spun that part of The Killers' "Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll" that totally rips off a Queen instrumental breakdown. I can never show my face in public again.

Boring, boring, boring Sydney...

That's what I was yesterday. I got out of work so late there really wasn't anything to do other than go home, chow down and crash out. Yeah, that's me, keepin' the rock and/or alive in everyday minutiae.


Please note I've added a few links to the left, deleted some that haven't been updated in months (sorry!) and I've also noted (thusly)which sites seem to be on temporary hiatus. I've also added a few new links like the hallucinatory Leyner-like¹ prose of So Sayeth The Peabs and the oddly addictive and not-quite-safe-for-work musings of That Ashley Girl.

I am always tempted to add lots of new links but I would prefer that the stuff I recommend is kept to a minimum rather than risking that the links are just ignored due to their sheer number. I've noticed some sites just keep adding the links until they number in the hundreds but that seems to defeat the purpose of recommending something in the first place. I mean, if something I like is buried so deeply that you have just as much chance landing on it through a random Google search as you do picking it out of an unedning line of links, then what's the point? Anyway, if you enjoy this babbling of mine, you’ll probably like the sites I recommend even more...that’s all I'm (poorly) trying to say.

Goddamn Dunkin’ Donuts!

Okay, I can smell the morning batch of donuts from my office at home, so I'm getting the hell out of here and getting me a chocolate iced and big ol' coffee. I'll try not to run the stop sign by my house, cut off a county sheriff and get myself another ticket like I did the last time I have a craving for Dunkin Donuts...

So that's why DJ tankPOD beat DJ Tankboy!
How to argue...hah! (credz Sarah)

...and that's it...

¹That would be Mark Leyner. I got into his stuff about, oh, ten years ago and really dug it. Apparently he is/was pals with my first college English teacher Curtis White. Anyway, I always really dug his style of writing supposed non-fiction and heightening it with the most unbelievable situations. For instance in his most popular book, Et Tu Babe?, the hero is a certain Mark Leyner, world famous author, ingestor of myriad mind-altering substances and possessor of both a beautifully exotic wife and an unbelievable physique. I don't's not the most challenging reading in the entire world, but it sure is a hell of a lot of fun. I guess it's best summed up by one reviewer’s words, "It's a Mark Leyner book. That's about as much of a compliment as I can think of. Really a uniquely disturbing individual. But a brilliant, innovative writer."

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