Monday, August 23, 2004

On my own again...
(sung to the tune of "On The Road Again")

Yup, Photogal is out of town again. That's fine since I expect to be pretty busy at work, I'm scrambling to finalize some shows at local venues in September and I will finally get a chance to get back into the gym routine since I've been a major slacker in that area over the last few weeks. I have good excuses for not going, but those excuses have run their course and if I don't get my ass in gear soon I fear said ass will no longer want to fit into any of my current wardrobe. Okay, it's not that bad yet, but I do have that Mr. Yuk feeling that goes with a bit of sloth after a period of pretty regular activity.

Photogal's sister got married this weekend and that was quite lovely. The ceremony was brief but they were surrounded by friends all day and everyone had a really good time. It was more of an adult affair, but fun was had nonetheless. Later that evening, that'd be Saturday, I caught the tail end of Milk At Midnight's set at The Note. They were great but the band after them, who I admit to having booked in the past primarily because the band and I share a mutual friend and she used to promote the hell out of their shows and get lots of folks out, were not so good. I'm guessing by Saturday's turnout our mutual friend is no longer helping the band. Anyway, a bit of the Ten56 Sweet Alice Tuesday crew was there and I have to admit to being in fine and unusually acute caustic form. The quips were barbed, bitchy and oh-so funny. Also, Gina tried to hug me simply to make me screech like a rhesus monkey. Very funny Gina.

I ended up at Double Door and judging by my reception I should spend more time away from the place since the staff was unusually warm. I consider a good number of the folks there friends and I guess I didn't realize that it's been so long since I stepped foot in the club. Bad bad Tankboy! Well, only partially bad, because it was while I was at Double Door that Photogal rang my cell to tell me she was heading home and to ask if I’d like a ride. First I declined and then I came to my senses and hopped a cab to where she was. Good good attentive boyfirend Tankboy!

So there you have it. Another wild Saturday night with Tankboy. Sunday was even wilder as it included walks in and lying on a blanket in the middle of a park about a half-mile from our place. Oh yeah, and cleaning up our kitchen. The excitement just never stops in my topsy-turvy rock and/or roll world!

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