Friday, August 27, 2004


It's Friday! I'm lazy! So instead of all-brand-spankin' new original content (that was redundant, wasn't it?) I figured I’d point you in the general direction of a few healthy diversion for the weekend.

First off, my friend Darcell has had one of her short stories published in IT'S ALL GOOD: How Do You Like It Here Now? And I think you should run out and buy the book right this second. It's out on the wonderful Manic D Press and can be purchased here or here if your finest neighborhood bookseller isn't already carrying it. It's an anthology of short stories, poems and commix and while I'm pissed Darcell is ahead of me in the curve of published fiction I'm also incredibly proud of her. Way to go!

Now from the highbrow to the incredibly lowbrow. Last weekend a flyer appeared on my front door for an amateur wrestling match taking place just down the street from me. I laughed. I sneered. I tried to crumple the flyer up but Photogal stopped me and read it for herself. She squealed. With joy. She’s decided we are going. Why me God, why me?!

Apparently the All American Wrestling group (yeah, I never heard of ‘em either) is opening their own center of operations, The AWW Independent Wrestling Center, a mere two blocks from my house! Auuuugh! Anyway, if you’re interested in watching Tankboy squirm and Photogal cheer on guys willing to hit each other over the head with folding metal chairs then full details can be found here. God save me.

I saw Secret Window last night, the Johnny Depp flick adapted from a Stephen King story, and it was kinda lame. It might have been better if I hadn’t spotted the "twist" ending about fifteen minutes into the film. And then I felt stupid for not catching it earlier. Also, the play on names later in the movie had me mocking the technique as totally ripping off The Shining...until I realized it was written by the guy who wrote The Shining. So that got me to thinking; how funny is it that the movie about a guy suspected of plagiarizing (basically himself) contains a plot device that the writer of the original story the movie is base on, basically plagiarized from himself? Anyway, while the movie was a bit dopey, it was a good way to unwind last night after an evening barbeque.

And in another bold marketing move, Sara Lee has decided to just embrace "honesty" in their new campaign for Jimmy Dean foods. An example:

Magazine ads feature clever lines with simple shots of sausage sandwiches: "With a breakfast like this, you can carpe the whole dang diem."

The ads introduce a new tagline: "Eat Jimmy Dean." (full story)

Clever? Sure. Honest? No!

So with that, I bid you adieu. I may be in town this weekend. I may not. I may update this weekend. I may not. I may shower this weekend. Eh, probably not...

Keeding! I’m keeding!

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