Monday, September 20, 2004


Why is Dave Suh at the Kill Hannah after-party instead of listening to DJ Tankboy last Saturday? This grave transgression could be forgiven if he was there for the hott girls, but he already has a hottt wife (and that’s her lovely self in the background) so he has no excuse!

Okay, he was at Double Door for my pre-Light FM set, and I can understand him ditching out because the remaining bands were not really to his taste since they weren’t really completely my cup of tea…but Kill Hannah?! At least he could’ve gone to Underbar with Rudy or seen Doyle in a tux at Estelle's or something, anything else!

Unless, of course, Trevia had an open bar, but somehow I doubt it…

It's okay Dave, I still love you. How can I get mad at a guy who seems to have the majority of UHF committed to memory? I mean, that's hot.

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