Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Five Zero Zero.

Wow, this is my 500th post. I feel I should announce something earth shattering here to mark the occasion. Let’s see, what deep, dark secret can I unleash on the world to truly chisel this momentous occurrence firmly and deeply into the cornerstone of time itself? I mean, I am a man of deep emotion, unending mystery and charisma equal to the gravitational pull of at least a medium sized moon, right? There’s gotta be something shocking about me I can reveal, come clean about or just generally get off my chest, right?

Um, I get really sweaty sometimes? I have a third nipple? I like peanut butter and baloney? Hmmm, I guess I got nothin’particularly earth shattering, eh?

A lot has happened over the course of the last 500 entries. Some of it’s been good. Some of it’s been bad. Some of it’s been so good that I don’t really remember what happened aside from a few random stokes on a keyboard but at least I have the marker that something happened. When I started this thing it was meant to be an archive for the Tankboy e-mail list that had been in action since 1995, but that idea fizzled relatively quickly as did this site in general until I hit the unemployment line and found a whole bunch more time on my hands to write. And get in trouble. Which is what made what I was writing even moderately interesting in the first place.

Now I’m noticeably older and struggling even more with the transition from “bar-star/rock and/or roller” into “mature and functioning human contributing to society in the daylight hours.” I really don’t know if I’ll ever fully make that transition since I really don’t know if I actually have it in me to completely adopt that lifestyle. Of course if you had told me back in 1995 that Green Day would be releasing an album with not one but two nine-plus minute songs I would’ve called you crazy so I guess anything’s possible.

Ultimately, I’d just like to say thanks to everyone who drops by to read every once in a while (or habitually since that’s even better, in my book) and I love it when folks leave comments even though I fought against installing comments at the very beginning. I’m also deeply indebted to everyone who has ever linked to me through their own site and directed complete strangers over my way. I like strangers. I especially like strangers in dark alleyways with as little clothing on as possible. But that’s really neither here nor there in the context of this post, is it? Erm, getting back to humility and gratitude now…

Anyway, thanks for sticking around and I hope to keep running into you , and hopefully your friends and your friends’ friends and so on and so on, on the site and I’ll do my best to keep writing stuff that at least isn’t totally moronic.



Inspirato answered by
Rockit, Rockit, all of my Rockit Sauce.

Last night killed. Really. It was a blast. The new Rockit Girl album was really well received, cupcakes ended up flying through the air by the end of the evening and much dancing was committed on slippery surfaces as folks navigated their way around spilled beer, chips and frosting. On top of it Kip saved me almost twenty bucks by giving me a ride home so I didn’t have to catch a cab! What a swell guy. Truth be told, I wanted to go out afterwards but if I had I would’ve ended up oversleeping this morning. Actually, today is the earliest I’ve been up on a Wednesday in a while so I’ll actually get in to work kinda early. What’s up with that?

Oh well, something tells me up be up rather late Friday after the Rockit Girl CD release show, and then I’m pulling a High Fidelity and DJing at Double Door on Saturday so something tells me I should get all the rest I can right now since it’s gonna be a rough weekend.

By the way, I know how every guy says they totally identify with High Fidelity and it's totally like their life, but I actually had friends call me when the movie came out (apparently my friends can't read or they would have called me when the book came out ) to comment on how creepy the similarities were between myself and the lead character. Right down to the phone calls to ex-girlfriends and screaming in the rain (don't worry, I've outgrown that by now.) And the DJing at Double Door part. The primary difference? While my music collection is large enough to stock a record store I have never actually owned a record store. Or had sex with Lisa Bonet. But those are the only places our stories differ.

And in honor of my 500th post
here's a positively Sin-ful gift just for you.

Check out this reeeeally long trailer for Sin City. I am salivating all over myself right now.

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