Thursday, October 21, 2004

A few thoughts on tonight’s show.
(Although it’s now technically tomorrow,

so I should say “last night’s show.")

First off, what a run of bad luck. Rockit Girl caught the brunt of the negative energy when Gina had her purse stolen during soundcheck and Emily’s bass rig blew up. Then John’s guitar conked out just as they took the stage. The Cells were fighting a collective cold and everyone had to contend with the Yankees versus the Sox and the fact most folks would rather be at home or at a sports bar than at a rock show.

All that said, I’ve got to say that the bands really brought their hearts and souls onto the stage and played as if a) the house was packed and b) they were possessed by the primal spirit that first took a stage and let itself explode unabashedly over an audience. In other words everyone overcame their particular obstacles and emerged more or less victorious. American Cosmonaut in particular turned in an incendiary set complete with the attempted murder of one guitar by repeatedly beating the stage with its body. The guitar emerged victorious but the spectacle was worth it.

In other news my sobriety is still going strong though I think the staff at Double Door was afraid I would exhaust their supply of water at one point. I’m a thirsty guy by nature, I guess. Also, I noticed that usually when I drink at rock shows it’s a form of celebration and I end up immersed in the music. When I’m sober I’m more detached from the spectacle and find myself in more of an observer mode. I still enjoy what’s going on, it’s just in a different manner than I am accustomed.

Well, if tonight was what a show can be like when everything goes wrong I can’t wait until tomorrow’s (um, I mean tonight’s) show at SubT. It should absolutely kill.

And on that note it’s time to hit the sack if I want any chance of getting up early enough (er, about four hours from now) to go to the gym before work since that’s the only time I’ll have to work out at all tomorrow. Wish me luck at an early rise…

Post Script: If Gina scans and e-mails me a scan of the photo booth pictures she and Emily took last night I’d be happy to post ‘em here to show what fun was had as the Double Door was closing down and I was paying the bands. Oh yeah, the Double Door now has a photo booth. Fun!

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