Sunday, October 10, 2004

This is funny…and fitting.

Apparently a few of Richard Linklater’s ex-high school classmates are suing him for using their names and “likeness” in Dazed And Confused. My favorite quote is from Richard “Pink” Floyd:

"We had fun in high school, but there is nothing true about that movie. Yet I am having to deal with it all the time," said Mr Floyd, who works at a car showroom in Huntsville, Texas, where the men went to school. (full story)

So an ex-high school football star is now a car salesman in the same town he went to high school. Heh.

This is frustrating…and sickening.

I have always hated Sweetest Day. I’ve always thought is was the worst example of a Hallmark Holiday and an excuse to unload all the crap that didn’t move on Valentine’s Day. Now that I’ve learned how the holiday actually started I've move beyond feelings of hatred for this day and can’t believe how far corporate America has twisted the day’s original intention:

Sweetest Day was established around 1922 by a Cleveland-based candy company employee. Seeking to bring happiness to the lives of those who often were forgotten, Herbert Birch Kingston and a handful of others who supported his efforts distributed candy and small gifts to orphans, shut-ins and others to show them that someone cared. (full story)

So what started off as a truly nice way to try and brighten the lives of the less fortunate has been transformed into a desperate holiday where the lonely feel even more so and those with companions feel even more pressure to prove their feelings. Sick.

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