Saturday, February 12, 2005

Okay, now that was weird.

So I’m talking to Photogal last night, sort of lamenting the light turnout at InnJoy, when I spy with my little eye something that begins with odd. And rhymes with Block. And then it disappeared.

So we moved downstairs and while kip was re-telling Tuesday’s tale from his vantage point I again thought I saw someone that looked familiar...for someone I’ve never met in the flesh before.

Yes folks, welcome to another edition of When Bloggers Collide.

As the evening wore on, and I got drunker and drunker, I became more and more certain that the person that looked like a certain blogger was, in fact, a certain blogger. So I used the infamous finger to summon said person.

Sue me,I was stuck in the DJ booth by then.

Facts about other blogger whom I met last night.
1. She is way shorter than I imagined.
2. Yes boys, she’s cute.
3. For some reason I always thought she’d have a deeper voice, but this was not the case.
4. She giggles a lot.

Okay, so point four might have just been her slowly backing away from the booth while she was fingering her can of mace…I can’t be sure.

So after InnJoy the evening took a turn from mildly embarrassing to downright idiocy. The highlight would be kip and I at Underbar starting a fight with some dude and teasing him that, with the addition of a pair of moon-boots, he’d look exactly like Napoleon Dynamite. By the end of the evening, I shit you not, he was giving us hugs and telling us how glad he was to meet us. After too much Jameson, apparently, we are just that charming. We also ran into a friend’s ex who repeated the mantra I’ve grown weary of:

You hate me, don’t you?

Okay folks, I’m gonna lay it down here in black and white (erm, orange.) Just because I don’t hug you when I meet you…aw fuck it…I think I prefer people thinking I hate them. I’m not gonna clarify that one.

Now two questions:

1. Where is Photogal? (I vaguely remember her shaking me and asking me if I wanted to go somewhere and I muttered no whilst dressed in my clothes under our comfy sheets)
2. Am I still drunk?

Tonight? I’m dragging Photogal and Rudy to meet more bloggers, encounter more uncomfortable pauses and drink more bad whiskey.

P.S. Last night I think Rudy and I were both off. I take that back, I thought Rudy’s sets were great but he thought he sucked, and I thought I pandered too much. Too much Steve Perry and Styx and not enough Kaiser Chiefs and Blur. I predict Tuesday’s sets while singe to make up for out perceived lacking…

Sweet Jaysus! It's noon already?! Oh cripes...

ALSO (and I sweartagod I'm gonna wrap-up after this) last night I played that kelly Clarkson track and, much to Rudy's surprise, had much of the bar singing along. Sorry folks, the song is just that good.

Okay,'s the awesome Super Furry Animals show I saw in 2002. Mixed in stereo!

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