Monday, July 11, 2005

Bland is grand.

So I was getting my hair cut yesterday by Jenny Evil – I got it cut really short since she is about to give birth and will be out of commission for a while – and she asked me what I had done over the weekend.

Um, aside from a few errands? Nothing. I mean Pohotogal and I did go outside but socially, as far as seeing anyone we know and interacting in a “nightlife” fashion, we were weekend recluses. It was nice. I think it was probably a natural response to last weekend being so damn. Next weekend looks to be pretty busy too so maybe our bodies just needed to recharge a bit.

On the “no smoking” front we have a new development. My sense of taste is returning. The odd thing is I hadn’t even realized it left! It’s not a huge adjustment but I’ve noticed certain things are starting to taste just a little sharper than I remember. It’s interesting.

Lastly, and I can’t believe I’m typing this, curiosity got the best of me and I went to see The Fantastic Four this weekend. And it did not suck. As a matter of fact the film nails the tone of the original comics, right down to the “family” squabbling. The only annoying thing is, surprisingly, the Dr. Doom character. His origin is a bit lame and the execution of the character itself is a bit over the top and hokey. The two biggest surprised lay in Jessica Alba’s surprisingly good portrayal of Sue Storm (I as shocked…shocked I tells you!) and the way The Thing looked on-screen. All the publicity shots had me worried but I’m guessing the CGI just wasn’t photographing well because on-screen. Michael Chiklis looks and acts just like I always thought Ben Grimm would. Pretty cool. Ignore my previous advice to wait for the DVD and go out and catch a cheap-o matinee show next weekend (or this week, if you have your days free.)

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