Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Recap as promised.

First, ket's get Intonation out of the way. I write about it here and my pictures are here. Scott Smith did a nice overall recap I highly reccomend you read as well. It really was a wonderful festival and proves that with enough heart and some decent planning it is possible to have a huge outdoor gathering that isn't dominated by loud,obnoxious drunks just looking to hook up. That doesn't mean that there aren't plenty of missed connections going up (and I even threw a fake one in to confuse people because I am silly and slightly evil like that) but it does mean that the focus was on music and community rather than drunken debauchery and idiocy.

Secondly, it's time to end the suspense re: my new (used) car. Here are your hints. It's small but big. Huge trunk (butt) which is somehow fitting since the usual type of person who might drive this vehicle might be heard to (idioticall) complain about the size of their own butt. It's black. When driving it I'm tempted to frost my hair (or, if I'm feeling rushed I can totally just tie it back in a ponytail and toss it under a Loyola baseball cap) and call myself Trixie. I may have to move to Lincoln Park. It gets great mileage. It only has a cassette (!) deck but luckily I have an adaptor for tankPOD so he can ride shotgun with me. I've made fun of this car for years and now karma has come to bite me in the ass and I think that is only right. It's a 1998 VW Jetta and I love it.

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