Monday, July 18, 2005

Recap delayed.

It was a pretty great weekend. I'll be posting lots of pictures from Intonation over at Done Waiting and I'll be contributing to a group recap of the event for Chicagoist so you're just going to have to be a little patient and wait for those details to emerge. In other big news, I bought a car but again you're just going to have to wait for the deets.

I won'tleave you totally hangin' though. I did get the new Sybris full-length in the mail this weekend and I predict great things for this Chicago band. I liked 'em when they were doing the whole Combo. No. 3 thing, but they've really turned a corner and produced something beautiful in their debut disc as Sybris. But, again, a full write up will appear later when it's closer to the album's actual release.

Oh yeah. My lungs still feel like crap. After one freaking cigarette! I'm so glad Photogal gave me the impetus to quit.

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