Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Well oh well oh well!

Wotta weekend. Did I mention the out of control debauchery filled with unspeakable acts the evening of my birthday? I did? Good. The next day was more of a private affair for Photogal and I as we took in a nice evening of dinner and a movie. I enjoyed the movie choice immensely -- until the final minute and a half -- but Photogal was left with an upset stomach after the tension-filled ride offered by War Of The Worlds. My take? Eventually Spielberg will let go of his need for neat and tidy happy endings and get a movie done perfectly but this one a heckuva ride up until that minor failing.

Saturday was the double birthday party at the one and only Skid's Party Palace and I was amused when some revelers discovered the miracle that is hot dogs injected with cheese. What a concept!

This was also my first public event sans smoking, but I think I've prattled on about that quite enough.

Sunday's plans were ever since we decided just before the weekend that we really should catch the closing performance of The Cabinet. This inventive retelling of The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari performed through he use of puppets and narrator was incredibly cool, even if the dream-like qulaity of the play mixes with the stifling heat of their warehouse space did make it difficult to tell whether you were awake or whether you had briefly dozed off!

I then tried to make it to another friend's birthday BBQ only to find no one there...I later was told it hadn't even started when I went by. Bummer!

However to salve my disappointment Photogal and I were guests of a friend at a small yet incredibly swanky private affair at the Shedd Aquarium where we had free access to the whole aquarium, open bar, a full dinner and dessert buffet and front row seats on the lake to view the city's fireworks display. It was great to see the whales and dolphins without hundreds of noisy, pushy, annoying people with their just-above-feral offspring surrounding you. Remind me I should become a media buyer...the perks are fantastic!

Finally yesterday we wound down with another relatively quiet day that was capped off on the Mad Moldovan's rooftop deck watching the city's amateur fireworks displays exploding in a 360 degree display of countless colored explosions.

Not too shabby, eh?

And now, back to business.

For various reasons I have been absent from the innjoy DJ booth for the last few weeks but tonight I am back with my partner and we will be spinning with a vengeance. It'll probably be a little quiet since it comes just after a long holiday weekend but it should be good nonetheless. I mean, I'm sure to be in rare form as I grind my teeth to the nub watching everyone around me smoke asI just helplessly gulp in clean air.

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