Monday, August 15, 2005

Have a pancake.

Friday was a blast even if it ended in a bit of a haze. I’d been a social hermit all last week so last Firday I decided it was time to get out for a while. Photogal started the evening off with me but drifted home relatively early. That meant she missed my rendition of “Debaser” with the Live band Karaoke cats. By the way, I forgot how much fun it is to front a live band. I also forgot that I can fit the whole head of a microphone in my mouth and still continue to scream. We ended up at the Evil E which was notable primarily due to the occurrence of some dude getting thrown out because he was hassling me. The notable part is due to my not provoking the guy in the first place and even giving him a second chance as IU saved him from getting immediately thrown out since I was willing to listen to his friends who were apologizing profusely for his drunken baboon-like behavior. I suppose I was willing to give the guy a free pass since I was a) in such a jolly mood and b) in the past have also been guilty of drunken baboon-like behavior. In the end though the staff of the bar overruled me and he had to go.

Saturday’s highlights were a walk in Wicker Park with the pooches whereupon Lucy the Dog tried to take on a pit bull and a lovely party held by some friends in Oak Park that was much less drunken but no less fun than the previous evening’s festivities.

And, my friends Joe and Jen will be pleased to learn, in between these various events and activities I was able to squeeze in an initial viewing of the entire Wonderfalls series. It was a cute little show and quirky and sarcastic enough to hold my interest even if it did wander into the romantic malaise that seems to afflict the latter sections of any season of a show that is delightfully original at the beginning. Why do writers, once the original premise has worn off, insist on mining the exact same veins for storylines no matter what the show? Also, why would the network cancel a show this good after only four episodes (or ‘sodes?) I mean you certainly can’t blame it on any of the clichés adopted later in the season since those clichés never even got a chance to air! Mind boggling.

Speaking of inventive TV and mind boggling decisions…why the hell is Fox moving Arrested Development to Monday nights at 7pm (Central) ?! Are they trying to kill the show? I’m never home from work by 7pm on a Monday so I’m particularly pissed but in the grander scheme of things why would they move it off a night (like Sunday) where the show at least has a chance since it was surrounded by like-minded comedy series?

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