Friday, August 05, 2005

I want to rock and/or roll all night...

I'm going to guess this is a comp of press from each of the band's websites, but it does a nice job of describing tonight's show:

A tired cliché states "every rose has its thorn." With a combination of bitter sweet melodies, infectious rhythm and lyrics that sting with rip-your-heart-out reality, Rockit Girl's interpretation seems to be that every rose is a thorn. Chicago's Milk at Midnight is intense, intelligent, amusing and instantly likable. The Evil Queens have been compared to Quicksand, Kiss, Fu Manchu and Six Finger Satellite. Comparisons aside, people have one thing to say about The Evil Queens, "They rock." Opening is Corsaire, whose music is about love, death and
everything in between.

You don't want to miss that, now do you?
The deets:

Tonight at Subterranean
Tankboy Presents

Rockit Girl
Milk At Midnight
The Evil Queens

Doors: 8:30pm
Show: 9:30pm
$8 cover

Omigawd, this’s gonna be soooo much fun!

Quick recap.

Last night I got to the show late since most of my early evening was spent foraging about the city with Photogal for the proper foodstuffs to insure a successful BBQ tomorrow. I did manage to catch most of The Assembly's set and was, as always, knocked the fuck out. Gina smacked a VIP pass on my so -- even though I never took advantage of the VIP area -- I spent the evening strutting around with my chest puffed out trying to adopt the suitable air of great import. Truth be told, I was driving so I really couldn't partake of all the free booze she had flowing, but I was flattered. Also I was impressed by the choice of venue. The Darkroom's sound was surprisingly good and they've made a few minor alterations to be more band friendly. I may just have to start doing a few shows there myself!

The Ladies & Gentlemen put on, what was for them, a marathon set. I think the encore may have lasted longer than the original set-list! What would elicit such a response from a band that keeps its songs short, sweet and fabulous? Why, a roiling crowd that could easily be dubbed "Dance Attack 2005." Really, I haven't seen so much hip shaking at a rock and /or roll show since Elvis got out of the Army. It was terrific fun.

I did tense up at one point in the evening as this crowd of well-groomed and very out of place boys and girls started breaking out dance moves directly lifted from Pulp Fiction. At first I thought they were making fun of the band and I was going to have to intervene. Then I realized that they actually did really like the music, and that their dancing could be explained away by five little words; they were from the suburbs. Well kudos to you, little spastic suburbanites. As long as it comes from the soul there is no such thing as bad dancing.

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