Thursday, August 04, 2005


I had nothing to do with this awesome show (it's actually Gina's first impressive foray into independent promotion) but I can't recommend that you attend strongly enough. Tonight The Ladies & Gentlemen and The Assembly are playing at The Darkroom. These are currently two of my absolute favorite local groups. I have yet to meet anyone who hasn't liked The Ladies & Gentlemen's super catchy new-new-wave glam-pop once they've been exposed to it. Somebody give these guys a record deal and get them on the road so they can go about converting the nation's children into rock and/or roll dancers! Oh yeah, The Strategy Game is opening and they ain't too shabby either. I've only seen them a handful of times but the kids go ga-ga over these boys so they're definitely doing something very very right.

I'll admit that The Darkroom is kind of a weird place to see a show but considering how stratified Chicago's live venue's have been becoming lately I'm always interested in finding new and unusual places to book bands so I think it's ultra cool that Gina picked this one.

So let's see. Awesome show tonight at The Darkroom. Awesome show tomorrow night at SubT. Awesome BBQ at my place Saturday. Yes boys and girls, it's another full-on Weekend of Rock and/or Roll™ and it's kicking off early!

Witness the results of exposure to a full-on Weekend of Rock and/or Roll™.
It can turn even the biggest assclown into one cool dude.

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