Friday, August 19, 2005

Tankboy enters the modern age.

I still am not completely sure what the hell a feed is but now I have one. And that means you can finally subscribe to my site! You can do so by clicking here. Or by clicking the link over there to the left, just under the handsome cartoon of yours truly. Apparently this move will make me much, much cooler and it will make my tech-geek friends very happy. Enjoy little tech-geek friends. I have also added "Trackbacks" even though I have no idea what those are. I enjoy being slightly clueless occasionally as it reminds me that I am indeed still somewhat human and fallible. Seriously. Okay, now what else do I have to do to catch up with modern times? Is this it? (Yes, I’m punning now, shut up.) Let me know via e-mail or in the comments.

In other tech-geek news I’m still trying for that free iPod. Lots of people have signed up but no one seems to have actually completed any of the trial offers. Not even my mom?! C’mon and save my shoulders from having to lug cases and cases of CDs around every time I DJ. If I had another iPod all I’d need would be another set of connector cables and I could DJ for hours with nothing more than two sleek little cases. I would be the envy of tech-geeks everywhere!

Man am I in a chipper mood this morning or what?

Speaking of mornings, it wasn’t much more than a year ago that I was still not a morning person. For the last thirty-two years I have not been a morning person. Hated that whole getting up early thing. Couldn’t stand it. I was always late for class / work / furtive sexual trysts before class / lunch and there just was nothing I cold do about it. I just did not function well before, oh say, noon. A little after my dad died though I decided it was time to get serious about getting back in shape. I had gone from rangy rock and/or roller to thritysomething schlub and I could feel the chances for me regaining that youthful frame slipping away. I had been going to the gym for almost a year already when I came to this decision, but my workout schedule would fluctuate between rabidly regular and slothfully haphazard so the results weren’t really all that consistent.

Well, now it’s been a year and I can safely say the framework has developed nicely. The whole time I’ve done nothing about diet or anything like that but I’ve decided that since I recently quit smoking I may as well go whole hog and keep an eye on what I eat as well.

Man this is some exciting reading, isn’t it? Sorry to bore you, I’m almost done.

Anyway, all that I’m saying is that now that I’ve got the undercarriage all built up and rarin’ to go I think it’s time to pay more attention to the rest of it. Then I can be one of those shirtless dudes walking down the sidewalk at a street festival. Wouldn’t that be cool?

No, of course it wouldn’t. I promise you I would never do that. I just wanted to make sure you were reading. Ha! So where was I? Oh yeah, we started off on this tangent whilst discussing the strangeness of me now being a morning person.

Blam it on the gym, I think that's what I was getting at. Eh, who cares? It's Friday so I'm getting the hell out of here! Toodles.

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