Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Why Rosh Hashanah rocks Part I.

There was no traffic on the way home from work yesterday.


Why Rosh Hashanah rocks Part II.

Aside from just the whole "Happy New Year" vibe, how can you not love a holiday whose purpose is looking inward and trying to figure out how to correct past mistakes and make the coming year a better one?


The hidden downside of Rosh Hashanah.

No one was out last night. Total ghost town. So it was bit hard to get a “let’s get this party started” vibe going whilst DJing.¹


And now for a completely different sort of holiday.

With Halloween just around the corner it's time for Photogal and I to ponder some pretty heavy costume related questions. Not about our costumes, though. We are still undecided even though she desperately wants me to be one of the Fanta Girls™ and I steadfastly refuse. No, it's time to consider costumes for our pets. Well, pet. Neither Chloe the Cat nor Betty the Beagle would stand for wearing any sort of costume. Lucy the Dog, on the other hand, would just love getting all gussied up on the big night.

Here are our options so far. Feel free to click on the picture to your right for a larger view of these options.

Now Option A makes sense because Lucy kind of has Chihuahua-based bug-eyes so we think that with that costume, the eyes and a bus ticket in her paw she could be The Runaway Bride™. Option B is only in there because it displays just how conceptually strange pet costumes have become considering how brief a time they've really been in use in the mainstream. Also, the picture of that dog as Leia is just too damn funny. Doesn't he/she look like they're having a blast? Finally I like Option C because I think it shows a certain sensitivity to a portion of Lucy the Dog's roots. Plus, it's adorable as hell.

So there you have it...proof that our dogs are indeed our children at this point in our lives. We're a bunch of wackos.

¹Also I got into a slight disagreement with the bartender last night over viewing materials and that may have thrown a bit of a damper on the evening. He wanted to watch Bum Fights because he thought the concept was hilarious. I told him if he played it he could just pay me right then and I would walk out because I thought the entire concept was reprehensible and I refused to DJ while something like that was playing in the background. Do you think I overreacted?

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