Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Addressing those pesky rumors.

So it has come back to me via a variety of sources that the word has leaked out beyond my tight little circle and is spreading about the general populace and it (has also) come to my attention that the time is nigh to address the rumor that is making the rounds.

Whew! What a mouthful!

Yes, it is true. I have decided to join a band again after a long hiatus of working pretty much exclusively (I know, that's an oxymoron but I'm going for a conversational-type thing here) behind the scenes aside from my DJing – which, if you really think about it, is sort of behind the scenes too since folks are focusing on my selections and not my actions (usually) – and the occasional Live Band Karaoke appearance.

America’s #1 Sweetheart is one of my absolute favorite bands and their core of Kip and Fagballs are two of my favorite people (as well as being two of the most entertaining gentlemen I have ever met.) Well, it appears as if their long-term drummer (who is also a swell guy) has decided it's time to move on and even though dozens of more qualified candidates have applied for the job, the position kind of fell into my lap without me even really asking for it. So I'm their new drummer...at least until Kip and 'Balls realize the folly of their ways and hire someone whose drumming is far more technically proficient than mine. And is willing to wear sailor pants. But until then I will do my best to destroy my kit in an effort to make the boys sound as massive as they deserve to sound.

I was to make my debut with the band this Friday but between my move, and various other obstacles, we haven't really had time to hammer out any songs yet so Kip and 'Balls will be playing with themselves (ha, I couldn’t resist!) and a drum machine. I promise I'll work hard so I can play the next show with them without everything falling apart spectacularly.

So yeah, I guess I’m a drummer again. Cool, huh?


I wanna go where the people go.

And the people go to The Pontiac where Rudy and I continue to bring rock and/or roll – new, unreleased, old, forgotten, dearly beloved – to the masses. Well, that drunk dude at the bar. And that girl over there smoking a cigarette. And Fritz the bartender. And you. And you. And you and you and you.

So I’ll see all of y'all tonight, y'hear?

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