Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Everything seems foggy.

Uncertain. Transitory. Like a rock solid boat that sits under your feet and supports you right up until a huge swell causes everything to pull a Poseidon Adventure and you scramble to regain your footing. Is this the big one? Is everyone still on deck?

I'm being melodramatic and obscure, aren't I?

FYI: The above has nothing to do with the new gig. My brain has actuaally adjusted to the influx of new information and is very happy to report to duty eight hours a day, five days a week. The new job is proving to be a rather nice fit. In the grand scheme of things, one could say I've never "had it more together" than I do now!

As a matter of fact that may be why other things seem a bit out of whack. Perhaps in order to maintain some sort of cosmic balance this is just the way things are meant to be. Then again, maybe I think too much about some things and react too quickly to others.

I've noticed simpler, earlier times have been creeping into conversations I have with friends and I get the impression everyone I know is going through their own perceptual shifts right now as well. Maybe it's the time of year? Maybe it's the fact we're all hitting a certain age? Maybe I'm just imagining all of this and projection my own uncertainties onto the folks I call friends.

Maybe it's just too damn early and I'm just whining like some wet-nosed high-school Goth loser?¹

Yeah, that’s probably it.


This is crystal clear.

Rudy and I will be rocking it and socking it to The Pontiac, post-Damone at the Beat Kitchen, and we both have all kinds of new goodies to share with you from The Raconteurs, Pearl Jam, Peeping Tom (Mike Patton's new project), (um) Damone, Art Brut, Gnarls Barkley, The Secret Machines, Matthew Sweet & Susanna Hoffs, The Bellrays, The Presets, etcetera etcetera etcetera.

¹Yes, the photo is supposed to humorously underscore this last observation.

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