Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A little help?

It's time to replace my 1998 3GB Compaq with something a little newer. Does anyone out there have suggestions for what I should look for (specs, etc.) in a new one? Or does anyone know of any good deals going on out there?

And to save this from turning into the usual debate, I'm going with a PC because I don't want to spend that much. It's seems as if you can get something pretty snappy for between $500 and $700 (or cheaper (!) nowadays, so that's my price range. I'm not a gamer, so super flashy image gear ain't a requirement. I've actually been looking at this computer, so what do you think? Good? Bad? You've seen better?


You ask ask ask, so when do you give?

I give tonight. At The Pontiac. I want to fulfill all of your needs. Yes, your needs. the deep ones, the dark ones, the forbidden ones...and all the other ones. I think I can do it. And if I can't, well then, that's why Rudy's there too! We compliment each other well, that way.

Seriously, though, tankPOD and diPOD were both training all last week by fattening up with tunes and then growing leaner and leaner as they winnow out the chamion beats and leodies through an internal Darwinian adventure. Each has stringently devoured, tasted, tested and weighed a large cross-section of music in the hopes that this evening each would be in a fighting form rarely seen. Think Ali versus Foreman and the intense lead-up to the Rumble In The Jungle.

(Okay, I just sat here for a solid five minutes trying to come up with a suitably satiric name to mirror the Rumble and I have to admit that either a) I'm just not up to it at this hour or b) Rumble In The Jungle is a way better name then I ever realized and on a scale of Marketer's wet dreams it's a bed soaker.)

Suffice to say we're all looking forward to seeing how this evening will turn out. Won't you join us to participate in the spectacle?


A piece of "new music" advice.

I've spoken about the new Pearl Jam and I do think that it is swell enough to deserve your consumer vote. However, if you're only going to buy one album this week, Wolfmother's full-length finally gets its domestic debut! This album made it onto my last year's "Best Of" list and it is still going strong. It's been picking up steam over the last few months via a combination of the bloggerati and a solid touring schedule, and for once this is hype that I believe is well deserved. If you're looking for a little a lot of rock in the Sabbath vein, only with way better tunes, this is the disc you should be plunking down your change for before the end of the day. Seriously. Buy it and you'll start seeing faeries and shit. It'll be awsome, I promise.

That's just my two cents.

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