Wednesday, May 17, 2006

No, this is not a Photoblog.

Whatever the hell that is. You might think so considering the amount of images vs. words that have been popping up at this particular address lately. I mean I have friends who have sites that prominently feature their fine photography (and come to think of it, wouldn't it be nice if Photogal set up something like that?) and that is all fine and dandy, but it ain't me.

No, when you start seeing lots of pictures from me it a) probably means I'm just trying to archive them in a central spot or b) trying to share them with friends and/or various voyeuristic interested parties or (most likely, usually) c) I got up too late to really write anything worthwhile and I only had time to put up a few photos while waiting for my coffee to be ready.

So without further delay let's kick things off with a picture of Kip from Friday night.

And, since I really would like to keep this site somewhat in touch with current events, allow me to share this misguided piece of fancy that appeared on the AOL home page last week. Seriously, did you ever seriously consider either of these two to ever be singers? I didn't think so.

Now, I was about to post another baby picture from yet another friend, and I will sooner or later, but is it just me or are babies popping up like poppies all around me? Seriously. Oh wait, that's right...I'm old and most folks have already had kids by now. My friends are just beginning to fall in line. Does this mean I should start having unprotected sex?¹ Yah yah yaaaaah!

Okay. Spiraling out. So let's wrap this up with this. I think it speaks for itself. Or maybe it doesn't.² I'll just leave it at that. Ta.

¹I told you I wasn't in any shape to actually write first thing this morning, so sorry about that.
²Sorry it's out of focus. Chatman took it and I'm pretty sure he was plowed past the point of negotiating a camera's focus by this time.

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