Tuesday, November 14, 2006

As promised, a contest!

The nice folks promoting Lady Sovereign's new album sent me a copy the other day. However, being the good little consumer voter I am, I already bought the disc the day it came out! So now I have an extra disc. What a quandary.

Now I know I could go and sell it for a couple bucks, but why be satisfied with getting the price of a latte when I could make a ready happy instead, right?

So I'm running a contest from today until Friday. Send an email with lady sov contest in the subject and your contact info in the body to: tankboy (at) gmail (dot) com before 4pm Friday November 17 and you'll be entered into a random drawing. Please only enter once. Also, feel free to include mash-notes / criticisms / artfully-taken-photos-of-whatever in your entries. It won't improve your chances of winning, but it will amuse me.

Also, this is completely off-topic, but I would be remiss in my duties if I did not point out that Mister Crispin Hellion Glover will be in Chicago this weekend presenting his big slide-show, and his movie What Is It? complete with a question and answer period at the end of the evening. Photogal and I already have our tickets. Glover has been talking about doing this for years and I am very excited he's finally following though! It should make for quite the memorable experience.

Also way off subject, have you become one of my Flickr contacts yet? And if not, what's stopping you? Get to it, kid!


And, a momentous event.


It seems as if they’ve been separated
longer than Odysseus and Penelope,
but tonight it ends as
DJ Tankboy
Rudy Tuesday
finally reunite!

Old school rock and/or roll attitude
mixed with only the finest selections
from yesterday, today and tomorrow.

TONIGHT, Tuesday November 14, 2006
Stunning musical selections from 9pm until 2am

$3 Budweiser bottles

Don’t miss this, since god knows when they’ll spin together again.

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