Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday.

Is it just me, or is this day's "title" a relatively recent media adoption? I mean, the phrase has existed, but I don't remember everyone using "the day retailers finally go into the black for the year" definition so pervasively before.

Also, a side note, and please do not confuse this with some sort of sense of personal accomplishment; Photogal and I didn't step foot into a retail store today (unless you count the gas station.) This marks the first year in recent memory that we haven't. usually we go out to gawk at the crowds and then find ourselves getting sucked into the vortex of consumerism and buy a $35 DVD player figuring, "someone we know can use it."

This year we took a day-trip to Michigan though, and by the time we got back we were too wiped to even make funof consumer zombies before joining their tribe ourselves.

Also, this marks the first "Black Friday" ever that the turkey and pie i took home from my mom's dinner last night actually lasted into today.

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