Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's a trend!

It just feels like a "bullets" kind of week, doesn't it?

  • First, the Gina and Debbie were awesome last night. I love DJing with those two. I have to do it again SOON!

  • In other news, yes it's true, I bought the The Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition. It was actually a decision borne of frugality. Had I bought the three Superman discs (I, II, and Returns ... duh) on sale yesterday at their sale prices it would have been more expensive than the 14-disc set. Let's hear it for holding off on buying all the DVDs as they were released the first time around. Finally I profit from a repackaging scheme! Me so happy, me could cry.

  • I went to see The Bound Stems last night and while I still stand behind my preview (which was basically a review for their album) I'm not totally sold on their live set. Maybe next time?

  • What's the deal with ...? I just read that (and yes, you have to hit the link for it to be funny) in a Jerry Seinfeld voice and totally cracked myself up.

  • I just re-read bullet numero uno and realized that this must be totally my week to geek out, huh?

  • That reminds me, my first job, when I was 10 (or 9, can't remember) was at a comic book store. Only this was the early-'80s so comic book stores weren't exactly huge sources of revenue, or particularly reputable. So the one I worked at rented out space behind a store that specialized in making x-rated gingerbread people. So, needless to say, we didn't stock a lot of comics that would bring in the kids. Which still doesn't explain why I was working there in the first place, I guess.

  • I couldn't make this stuff up.
Okay, time to make the donuts websites. Onward and upward to cashville.

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