Friday, November 03, 2006

Lungs like lead weights.

Yeah, still sick. This blows. I think I'm actually going to have to make a doctor's appointment or something at this point. Usually if I can't ride something out within a week, it's not going to go away by itself. Why does this always happen when there's so much going on? For instance, last night I would have rather been at The Assembly / Ladies & Gentlemen, Bon Mots / Farewell Captain, Twilight Singers, or Justice shows, but instead I was on my couch coughing up a gallon of phlegm. Yum.

(Speaking of which, did anyone here see Twilight Singers last night? I'm curious to hear how the show was.)

Regardless, I have things I need to do today. Look for that Lady Sov piece I promised earlier in the week to actually go up today right here.

Also, I am sad to inform you that if you didn't get your tickets to the "secret" Naked Raygun show at SubT tomorrow, you are out of luck since it's all sold out. I'll be covering it though, and Photogal will be snapping shots of the show, so if you can't make it I'll try and make you feel like you were there anyway.

Tonight The Blue Meanies play Double Door. I won't be there, which bums me out since they were one of my favorite bands that used to play The Gallery in the early '90s and I loved their reunion show a few years back. If you can make it, though, do! You'll thank me for it later.

Finally, I'd like to alert you to my presence on Flickr. I've had a page over there for years, but recently -- spurred on by finally owning a computer that could handle such a task -- I uploaded a whole slew of images to the site and will continue to do so. If you are so inclined, feel free to add me as a "contact." Also, you can find other photos I've contributed (like this year's Chicagoist Lollapalooza pics I shot) by searching for images tagged with "tankboy." Fun!

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