Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Regarding eternal commitment.

Regarding eternal commitment.

Photogal and I would like to share this article with all of our friends and family that keep pestering us with the whole "When are you two going to just grow up and settle down and get married?" thing.

Well, boys and girls, since people living as a couple in unwed bliss now outnumber those that have tied the knot, we think that (for the present) we are quite happy in the majority side of the statistic.


Busy little beaver.

No, I'm not talking about BritBrit.

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

I've been a' writin' about all kinds o' musically—

(No. I can't just jump in after that B. Spears ref. Her skankiness has infected my brain. I need a mental tonic. Here. Here's a photo of Avril Lavigne, another post-teen popster who seems to have successfully become the anti-Britney. By the way, have you heard her new single? So sweet it makes my teeth hurt in all the right ways. Okay, that's better ... let's try this again.)

I've been a' writin' about all kinds o' musically related type stuff. Like how great the new Bobby Conn album is and how much I love recently discovered Chicago rock and/or roll gems The Safes. Also, this week I recommend a few shows definitely worth checking out (personal highlights that I'll probably be too busy to see: The Ettes and The Never/Annuals gig).

I also have reached out to the people hoping for a little guidance in my decision to, or not to, attend SXSW next month. Weigh in if you feel you have something to say on the subject.

Last week also saw me indulge in an unusually emotional outburst vis a vis a few bad apples in the local scene. Luckily Josh put it all in perspective for me and made me laugh.

And all of this doesn't even touch all the behind the scenes stuff as I work on my new DJ residencies, help Photogal out with the house in Michigan (despite managing to get her Jeep stuck in a snowdrift (I couldn't see where the driveway was!)), watch an obscene amount of DVDs while stuffing my brain with back issues of The New Yorker and The Atlantic all in an effort to stay ahead of the curve of both serious news and pop culture artifice, and finalize a few kick ass rock and/or roll bills I'm staging in the next two months.

I'm so freakin' busy I've only been out socially one night a week for the past three weeks. What the fuck?!

This week I'm shootin' for two, maybe three nights out on the town. I'm going to be a wild man! However, if I can only make it out once, it'll be Thursday when I spin as the guest of both June Cleavage and Amber Waves at Liar's Club. Since there's no Drop, Rock, and/or Roll this month (due to February's shortened 28 days) this may well be your last chance to dancey-dance to my selections until March. And that's a long ways away!

Wait, didn't this start as a writerly recap of my previous week's output? How exactly did it descend into an orgy of self-promotion tinged with a titch of "poor busy little Tankboy"-ness?

Hm. Moving along ...

The following is presented alongside a preemptive apology to my largely Conservative immediate family.

Dearest mother and brothers, while I do not believes the below does classifies your thinking (entirely), I think it does mostly explain the behavior and actions and gullibility of large swathes of U.S.A. citizens. Plus, the below is very funny. (As usual, click the image to enlarge for easier readability.)

Comic via Salon
More Tom Tomorrow stuff here


What? You're still here?

Okay then, enjoy this Tuesday tune as your reward for sticking with me this long. I'm feeling a bit, um, bouncy. It could be the coffee. Then again it could be super-Swede (and super cutie) Robyn. I hear her 2005 Robyn disc is finally coming out in the U.K., even though we Yanks are still left without any access to her music outside of expensive imports. Anyway, since there's been a few years between the original release and the new re-issue, Robyn has, of course, recorded new tunes. Last year's "With Every Heartbeat" single with Andreas Kleerup was a personal highlight for me and I'm happy to see it included on the new track listing. But that tune is available all over the place so I hope you'll enjoy these two remixes of the track instead. The first, by the Meatboys, retains the ethereal pump of the original, while the second, by Punks Jump Up, injects a little more boomp into the bottom line.

MP3: Robyn "With Every Heartbeat (Meatboys Remix)
MP3: Robyn "With Every Heartbeat (Punks Jump Up Remix)

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