Thursday, May 31, 2007

... and around town ...

... and around town ...

Let's get local for a second (although I promise the themes will be universal, so my friends reading from beyond the Great Firewall of China, go ahead and keep reading).


Billboard Madness

Man, people in the Midwest seem to have nothing better to do than bitch about public advertising, huh? Yesterday I read an article about folks in Glenview (a Chicago 'burb) that were all bent out of shape over a local billboard. The billboard in question? It looks like this.

Um, okay, what's the problem? I'm less offended by the photo than I am by the text suggesting the model in the photo might have cellulite since I think putting that idea into little girls' heads is far more damaging than seeing a woman lying on her stomach on a billboard. I guess if the residents were complaining about the MESSAGE of the billboard, I might be more sympathetic, but no, they're just being a bunch of fucking Puritans. Pascal Ibgui, the dude who owns the spa that put up the billboard, said he did it to appeal to his largely male clientèle. And I quote, "I don't want to sound like a chauvinistic pig, but this is a man's world." Right on dude!*

Here's another billboard, that was actually in Chicago, that pissed off a bunch of people until they forced its removal.

Okay, actually? I'm a little offended by that one. I don't think marriage should be treated so flippantly, but I REALLY don't think people should think that divorcing their husband or wife they have a chance in hell at landing anyone that even remotely looks like either of the models in the billboard. I mean, that's just a classic bait and switch, right? How repellent.

*And by "dude" I obviously mean "tool."


No smoking inside because second hand smoke kills!

I've gone on the record as saying I'm against the smoking band on principle, but totally for it since it'll get me to quit smoking. Sure, I could huddle outside of all the bars like they do in New York or California, but really, aren't I better off health-wise by just quitting? And shouldn't I think the city council for getting all the dirty smokers outside?

Well, maybe not. According to Scientific American's 60-Second Science podcast, a recent study proved "sidewalk smokers hanging out in front of bars and restaurants produced more carbon monoxide than auto traffic did." Go ahead and download the podcast to hear for yourself.

Next step? The city council will stuff smokers into a bunch of mobile hamster balls sans ventilation. Problem solved!



You know, I like Shellac, I respect Shellac, I think what they do is interesting enough, but I just can't get excited about Shellac. I think it's because they just sort of do the same thing over and over and over again, and while they do it well, and I like listening to it, I just don't find myself going back to their albums for repeat listens too often after their initial release.

I do give them props for dropping a sample of Strong Bad in the middle of "Genuine Lulabelle" on their new album.

And I never get tired of "Prayer To God." That tune fucking kills.


Also locally related, in a musical vein

You know who is you know where tonight. This evening's players are the lovely residents June Cleavage and Amber Waves, and I hear they will be joined by DJ Rudy Tuesday. The past few times I've spun I've noticed we're drawing bigger and bigger crowds and people seem to be taking top the dance floor. Let's go Chicago!

I'll be out boozin' it up with some of the Chicagoist crew, so maybe I'll try and drag some of their pretty faces over there later too.

Random photo of girls at Liar's Club by Dasha

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