Thursday, May 17, 2007

Gettin' a haircut.

Gettin' a haircut.

I'm getting a haircut tonight.

This wouldn't really be a big deal if it weren't for the fact that scissors hasn't gotten near my head in over two years. I think that's the longest I've ever gone without a haircut, so you can imagine the locks are getting pretty unruly by this point. Also, since my hair came in much curlier this time than it ever has in the past (I had really long hair from about, oh 1990-1996 or '97 before and it was wavy, but never this curly) I've been a bit reticent to fuck with it. My hair was never easy to trim, when it was long (when it's short, it's an easy cut, though), in the past, and since I'm not gonna chop it all off quite yet I'm hoping tonight's scissor session goes well.

I do have faith in my haircutting gal Jenny Evil, and I know she ain't mad at me because it's obvious I haven't committed any follicular adultery during our time apart, so I'm sure it'll all turn out okay.

And why am I not just going the simple route and doing the full chop? Well, even though Chicago summers can get hot and humid, and I know my hair will expand in that weather, and I'll curse the sweat streaming from my scalp into my eyes like desperate rivers flowing to their damnation, there's still just something about having long hair that I'm not ready to part with yet. It turns into sort of Samson thing, and I went through it last time my hair was past my nipples, even though this time it should be different since this time around I know I look really good with short hair. (When I was younger and I grew it out I was afraid I would lose my mojo or something if the hair went, but I was a young little vain fool (now I'm just old and vain).)

Plus, there's just something devilishly fun about having random women ask you how I get my hair to look the way it does and i can truthfully answer, "Nothing."

CAVEAT: The one weird thing about long hair is what I call the "assumed familiarity due to pregnancy." You know how perfect strangers often feel they have a right to feel a pregnant woman's belly? Well, I have perfect strangers walk up and touch my hair. It's weird.

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