Saturday, May 26, 2007

This is a VERY exciting time in Chicago music.

This is a VERY exciting time in Chicago music.

This is more a note to myself to expand into a larger piece, but it doesn't hurt to clue everyone else in too. But I've heard the new albums from Frisbie, Venom Lords, Plane, and Farewell Captain, and I think they're all just stellar. In Frisbie's case, it's been about 3 million years since their last one, but the end result is so worth the wait. It's too bad their CD release got pushed back a month, but you can hear a bunch of their new stuff live at The Empty Bottle June 14. Venom Lords' new one is just a perfect little slice of zombie punk, and while I enjoyed their earlier songs, this new batch shows the band has covered miles in growth. Plane's new one is a bit more electronic than their previous discs, but it's just as catchy, and Farewell Captain's forthcoming debut is a classic waiting to be foisted upon the masses.

Anyway, I'll expand on these, and a couple other Chicago acts (like Airiel and Ultra Sonic Edukators, once I get their new ones) but we're in the middle of what I feel to be a bumper crop of promising new discs from local bands.

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