Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Deadlines and the joy they bring.

Deadlines and the joy they bring.

So I've been working under a couple of deadlines over the past week or so. One was a protracted one, made pleasant by a healthy editorial back and forth that resulted in my finished product being much stronger than it was when initially submitted. I'm excited about it and will be sure to let y'all know when it's available for your perusal.

The other deadline has been at the 9-to-5, working on a project in a capacity mostly outside my usual field of responsibility, but it's been a good experience. It's always nice to flex different capabilities in the workplace, so I welcome any chance to do so, since it just helps me become better at, and more valuable in, my job.

I do feel as if I've been running full steam ahead for a couple of weeks, now, and admit that next Sunday --- after all my deadlines are met, and all my DJ gigs and rock shows are behind me -- I'm really going to enjoy unwinding a bit. At the same time, I'm the type that thrives on an overstuffed schedule that challenges and stimulates on a near constant basis, so I'm aware that the second I get some free time in which to breath, I'm just going to start jonesing for the next wave of new stuff to keep me busy.

Until that next wave, expect me to bury myself in the pile of New Yorkers that has been piling up over the last couple of weeks, unread, and inducing guilt.

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