Monday, December 10, 2007

The heart of rock and roll is the beat.

The heart of rock and roll is the beat.

How was Friday night's America's #1 Sweetheart show? Kind of like this.*

So even though the gal pictured was not actually at the show, that pose pretty much says it all. To be honest, we had our share of snafus. I know I made two big boo-boos, but think I recovered decently from them. And we were all a tad wobbly from time to time, but I'm reasonably sure that was due to the amount of alcohol imbibed before we finally got onstage. One of the nice things about being in a band, though, is that if you're the one that's a tad wobbly at a certain time, you have four other guys there ready to pull in the slack. Also, earlier in the night, things were getting seriously weird between venue, promoter staff, and one of the other bands ... so there was a fair amount of tension and it seemed said tension was dealt with numerous beers and a couple shots.**

The important thing, though, is that it seemed everyone in the room for our set enjoyed themselves. And I know I've never seen the other guys in the band more animated, so I think it's fair to say we were having a hell of a lot of fun too! And heck, rock and/or roll is always far less about precision and far more of bringing the crowd along with you for the ride. I think we did do a good job on that front.

Afterwards we all bolted (my apologies to the really nice drummer in the band I shall not name who played after us (and don't bother looking at the line-up I posted a few days ago since the running order got completely changed, so you're not going to figure out who it was), but we really don't like your lead singer, so we felt no compunction to stick around). However, I feel we made up for it karmically by telling the promoter to take whatever money we made and to then give it to the touring band.

That's how we rock it.

*Sorry Diana, I came across this photo in your hubby's online album and couldn't resist using it.
**To see what we're like when not drunk, and firing on all cylinders, and -- most importantly -- playing in a room with a monitor system that allows us to actually hear what each other is playing, we'll be at Subterranean December 28 with good friends Snd On Snd, as well as a few other veddy veddy talented groups. I should have the full line-up ready for release later today.

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