Monday, December 03, 2007

Wotta douchebag.

Wotta douchebag.

So I wrote this piece in response to a column in last week's RedEye.

This idiot wrote 500+ words basically saying that girls should be hot if they expect dudes to want to date them. And then he made an aside insinuating that ugly girls did still stand a slight chance if they could make up for their looks with personality. Needless to say I called him out on his bullshit.

End of story, right? Wrong. No, this guy proceeds to MySpace message my EiC, and attack her, for a column I wrote. (O.K., O.K., she did call him a fucking idiot in the comments under my post, but to be fair, he is a fucking idiot.).

So let me get this straight. You're a columnist for a local fish wrapper, you write a misogynistic rant, a dude at another site writes something in response, so you decide to attack his female editor? How does that compute, exactly?

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