Friday, June 13, 2008



O.K., I'm pissed. I planned my birthday party at The Burlington and sent out numerous announcements for it 2 months ago. Since then I found out there's a wedding reception planned that night, which I was totally cool with since good friends only get married once. Then some of m,y fellow DJs forgot about my party and booked a gig that night. Which again was cool because once they realized their mistake they rescheduled.

Well now I found out other good friends have decided to plan their party that night as well. This sucks. Last year one of the two played a show the same night as my birthday show which split the crowd, and that was no fun.

Listen people, we come from a small community. Stop stepping on each others' toes when you're giving advance warning someone else is having an event!

Yeah, I'm pretty salty right now. usually I wouldn't rant about this, but a lot of things in the "little rock scene" are really starting to wear on me, and people's disregard for other people's plans is one of the biggies. I support the fuck out of eneryone else and expect a teensy bit of the same in return.

UPDATE: I'm still pissed, but find it hard to keep a straight face when I look at that angry baby picture. It's just so awesome.

OTHER UPDATE: Eh, I'm just being a baby ... everyone else is making a good point; the people I care about will be there, so what am I bitching about?

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