Friday, August 08, 2008

The explanation behind the previous post's title.

The explanation behind the previous post's title.

So yesterday I parted ways with LadyFriend. Many of my friends think I'm absolutely insane to have done so, and I'm not inclined to completely disagree with them. I mean, technically we were perfect together. She tolerated all my quirks and was just absolutely all around awesome. It was the first time I've ever broken up with someone where the reasons for the break-up had absolutely nothing to do with them.

I was with Photogal for 12 years, and when we broke up it was basically a divorce ... even most married couples don't make it for 12 years! I wasn't single for all that long and recently I started to wonder if I had jumped into another serious relationship too quickly. Never mind that said relationship was going along perfectly, but once that question surfaced it just couldn't be shoved back under again. And to date someone with that doubt lingering in the back of your mind would surely be unfair to both parties involved. So I decided I had to go solo again, even if it meant risking a friendship I've grown extremely attached to.

I'm terrified I made the wrong choice, but I really couldn't see any other way of getting around my own internal confusion, so based on that reasoning I made the fair decision for both of us, right?


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