Thursday, May 28, 2009

Neu-New Romantic, maybe?

Neu-New Romantic, maybe?

I honestly have no personal beef with any of the members of Kill Hannah,* and if they ever move their sound forward and produce a genuinely good album I'll be the first to sing their praises, but when Mat Devine says stuff like this it's so hard to ever conceivably take the band seriously.

From UR Chicago:
W: Would you ever use the term “alternative rock and roll” to describe Kill Hannah?

Mat: I guess so. I think everything is alternative, which is why that word is meaningless to me. The very first time an “alternative” radio station played Metallica and Gin Blossoms, I realized it’s just completely meaningless. I refer to us as modern rock, which is what all my favorite bands from the 80’s were. Or I just call ourselves New Romantic. A term I came up with, kinda borrowing from the way bands like Duran Duran used to be described.
Dude, you didn't come up with the term "New Romantic" at all. That's not "kinda borrowing from the way bands like Duran Duran used to be described." I'm pretty sure that IS the way bands like Duran Duran used to be described.

*In fact I'm very much on the record marveling at just how insanely talented Jonny Radtke is. Though I'm not sure if he's in the band anymore.

Photo by jess da supastar

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