Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Heavy Young Heathens proselytize with conviction.

Heavy Young Heathens proselytize with conviction.

So I get this album emailed to me by this band I've never heard of, which isn't unusual. I mean, I get scads of music sent to me each day, right? And believe it or not, I listen to all of it, even though most of it is just middling. There's a lot of bands out there, right?

Anyway, every once in a while I'm rewarded for my diligence with an album that rises above the relentless stream of mediocrity digitally flowing my way. I had never heard of Heavy Young Heathens before, but their self-titled debut is an aggressive attack of rock and/or roll tinged with a dash of psych here and an amphetamine blues riff there. They're working off the same historical palette that both Amazing baby and MGMT have been playing with, and while I don't think Heavy Young Heathens have quite mastered the genre yet, they are clearly on their way to doing so.

So I'm turned on by this band, and so I check out their webiste and -- amazingly! -- they're offering the whole album to whoever wants it for free! And you can choose between WAV, AIFF, or MP3 formats (something I always love since I can snag the WAV and then compress it if I wish). So now instead off me having to prattle on for three paragraphs trying to convince you to buy the album i can save everyone a lot of time and just tell you to go download the durn thing and let me know what YOU think of it!

DOWNLOAD: Heavy Young Heathens - Heavy Young Heathens (WAV)
DOWNLOAD: Heavy Young Heathens - Heavy Young Heathens (AIFF)
DOWNLOAD: Heavy Young Heathens - Heavy Young Heathens (MP3)

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